As I age, and I think of my life, I begin to realize a few things … ….and what hit me hard the other day was that it was just a blink ago when my mother and my father-in-law were the age of my husband and myself, and that we quite arogantly knew what was best for them. I would tell my mom, as Jeff would tell his dad… just go out for a walk!! We knew back then that they needed to move to feel better. It was so sad to go see them getting weaker when we felt that they could be much happier and stronger if they would just move a bit. My father was...
My husband, Jeff, and I, are amazing cooks... I often lovingly call him Chef Jeff... especially when he makes me fabulous meals!!! This was one of those dishes that truly turned out to be one of the best meals I have had in my entire life! It was perfect. Chef Jeff made it all by himself and totally impressed us both. I think part of the reason it was beyond excellent, was that our free range chicken was perfection to begin with. He used Thai Red Curry spice paste, by the way, but any would do. Jeff and I have our own personal family recipes... tried and true... those we find on internet and a ton of cook books... if you like this,...
This is a group of friends and our husbands at Marilyn's home. She is undoubtedly the hostess with the mostess and loves to entertain! (Don't you admire women like that?) Marilyn is also a writer and you can find her books on Amazon among over places... and you can find her - Marilyn R. Wilson Writer/Author - easily on Facebook. Her books are: Life Outside the Box and The Wisdom of Listening. Have you bought one YET? Thank YOU Marilyn... I am so glad I ran across this article again.... Let Me Introduce You To Kjaer Neletia Pedersen! Written by: Marilyn R. Wilson As I remember it, I was introduced to Kjaer Neletia Pedersen by my dear friend...
What a truly terrific day... my GRAND OPENING on Saturday, December 8th in my brand new location was beyond my expectations. I am so truly grateful for my clothing line because of the women I meet! Because of the women that I watch in their friendships shopping together. Supporting each other. Pretty great! Pictured above are just a few of my customer/friends who dropped in and purchased. Kimberly arrived to just drop me off flowers! Imagine!!! I was so impressed at her thoughtfulness. Then Kristy arrived with chocolates as a gift... oh... WOW! Best chocolates ever!!!... she made them! I was so busy that I forgot to take photos until near the end of the day. Photographed here are those mention,...
Here I am just fooling around... I was walking along Main Street in Vancouver, BC, just a month or two ago, when my husband said... stand there for a a photo because he thought I looked so cute with my new little green sun umbrella... well, I did not notice the 3 good looking young Australians walking behind me until one said... that will be a nice photograph... to which I just HAD to reply... it would be even better with the three of you in it... haha... so, they jumped in! What fun life can be... love those special little unexpected moments. Today, however..... ARGH! I am beginning yet another web site because this time, I understand that Shopify...