What a truly terrific day... my GRAND OPENING on Saturday, December 8th in my brand new location was beyond my expectations. I am so truly grateful for my clothing line because of the women I meet! Because of the women that I watch in their friendships shopping together. Supporting each other. Pretty great!
Pictured above are just a few of my customer/friends who dropped in and purchased. Kimberly arrived to just drop me off flowers! Imagine!!! I was so impressed at her thoughtfulness. Then Kristy arrived with chocolates as a gift... oh... WOW! Best chocolates ever!!!... she made them!
I was so busy that I forgot to take photos until near the end of the day. Photographed here are those mention, along with Randi, Lauren and Jenny.
All day long it was laughing, talking and just enjoying the time we had together. There is never pressure to buy at KOME... but, with 500 One Of A Kind garments, admittedly, most women might find it difficult to not purchase.
I write this with a happy, warm heart and find that as my business grows so does my sense of being grateful for all I have in my life. As you know, part of my proceeds go to the North Shore Women's Shelter.
... together we are stronger!
May I say, too, thank YOU for shopping locally.. thanks for shopping a smalll business... <3